Terry Fox Run

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26 Feb 2013

SJU-S/027/2012-13 February 18, 2013

Dear Parents,

I am happy to inform you that your child is representing our school and participating in the Terry Fox Run, world’s largest one day fund raising event for cancer research.

Kindly note the details regarding the event.

Day/Date: Sunday, 3rd March, 2013

The run starts from Trident Hotel Area (Air India Building, Nariman Point) at 8:00 a.m. and terminates at Brabourne Stadium (CCI) at 9:30 a.m.

Reporting Time at the Venue: 7:30 a.m.

We have arranged the buses to ferry them to the venue and back to school. Teachers will accompany them, also snacks will be given to them in the morning before the run.

Reporting time at school: 6:00 a.m.
Since the run gets over by 9.30 a.m., students will reach back to school by 11:00 a.m.

Kindly fill the consent form given below and return it back to the Class Teacher by February 22, 2013.
Please do not carry any valuables. No mobile phones, jewellery allowed. In case of delay due to traffic congestion, parents are required to bear with the school.



………………….……Tear off …………….…… Please cut here ………………………………
Consent Form

The Headmistress
St. John’s Universal School
S. V. Road, Goregaon West
Mumbai 400104

Respected Madam,

I am sending my son/daughter/ward ______________________________ of Std.____ Div.___ Roll No.___ for the above mentioned trip. Whilst appreciating your assurance for the safety of my son/daughter/ward, I undertake not to hold you and/or your staff and/or your agents responsible for any accidents/mishaps beyond its control.

________________________________ ________________________
Signature of Parent/ Guardian Date

Mobile No.1. ____________________ Residence Tel.No.2. _________________

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